
A girl learns to appreciate her hair, it is 1980 in a city loft, an artist creates portraits of Bronx faces, Abuela gives life lessons to her granddaughter,

a flower is plucked, there is a fire on a subway platform, it is summer in Brooklyn, and we find the greatest love.

[e-book now available for purchase!]

LUNA MAGAZINE is an annual literary publication written and curated by writers in the Writers With Attitude workshop, including other talented writers separate from the workshop. The works include poetry, prose, fiction, personal essays, interviews, and visual art (graphic art, photography, etc.). This year, the theme is New York. Our submissions are now closed. 50% of our proceeds will go to Black Women’s Health Imperative, National Bail Out, Black Mamas Matter Alliance, and American Civil Liberties Union in support of the fight against racial injustice.

To learn more information on how to submit, see below.

What kind of works do you accept?

We examine and accept works based on quality and originality in all written works and content. We accept works that best represent the mission and theme of Writers With Attitude and the current theme of the magazine issue. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender. We do not give individual criticism on all works unless edits are needed, which we notify before publication.  

How do I submit?

Email us at with the subject line “submission by (name) for Luna Magazine Vol. 2.” In the email, include a short bio about yourself.

What can I submit?

We accept works in 1-10 poetry, prose, visual art and photography (formatted in JPEG, PNG, OR PDF), 1-5 personal essays and short fiction/excerpts, (1,400-4,000 words). 12 pt. font, Times New Roman. Submissions must be in a Word document (.doc) file with titles for each piece.

Do you accept simultaneous submissions? 

Yes. Please contact us if your work is selected in any other publications.


01 : “Luna” is Latin for moon, so the name relates to the Luna moth’s moon-like spots.

02 : The Luna moth caterpillar has a defense mechanism to click their mandibles and regurgitate smelly liquids when threatened by predators.

03 : Luna moth females lay 200-600 eggs. They usually lay them in small batches and spread them around.

04 : Luna moths wrap their cocoons in leaves to camouflage.

05: When a Luna moth is born, it does not have a mouth to eat.

06: It’s sole purpose is to reproduce

07: The Luna moth is found in the Eastern region of the United States.

08: The Luna moth’s wings are light green/lime green in color.

09: Both male and female luna moths are strongly attracted to light.


Check out photos from our literary magazine release of Luna Volume 1 Issue 1!